New campaign for Bancpost -“Look who’s saving!” Posted on

Look who’s saving!
in the new Lowe&Partners campaign for Bancpost

Bucharest, December 5, 2012. Lowe&Partners has created the launch campaign of a new Bancpost product. The features of the new product, the Double Start (Start Dublu) deposit, which offers a double interest in the first month, was the one to trigger the winner concept: “You get more from the very start”.

Usually, beginnings are the ones that matter the most. The beginning is the most important part of the whole. The first word spoken, the first Christmas, the first day at school, the first day at college…and now, the first truly profitable investment. With this product, the start is right not only because you’ve got a good interest, but especially because it’s double. It’s like you would be witness to the first spoken words of your baby: but instead of one word, he’s saying two at a time.

“We’ve started out with a really unique product, with a great selling point – you get more from the start. We wanted to deliver the same message through the creative concept. How would it be to get more from a bank commercial? When we heard the concept we were sure we had a winner; a baby who says the first words that were triggered by an amazing offer it’s something that you can’t ignore!”, says Violeta Mogosanu, Bancpost.

Almost obvious, the main character from the new Lowe&Partners TVC is a little baby, who is being pushed by his mummy, daddy and grandpa to say his first word. But despite all the pressure of his family, the baby doesn’t meet their wish, leaving his family disappointed, during a teasing series of 3 episodes.

Following a few days of uncertainty came the reveal, the launch of the actual commercial, which brings the same baby in the spotlight, this time saying his first words, which are not mama, not even papa, but…”OH, mama, what an offer at Bancpost!”

“The whole idea was to make a child who can not say a word longer than a syllable, to say a whole phrase using intonation! The element of surprise is the fact that this is practically impossible! Compromises did not come into question, the TV spot was supposed to be shocking, and we were supposed to stage the impossible. This translated into many hours of direction, postproduction, overlays and really much patience. From legislation and to the patience to entertain the baby on the set, the whole team – the agency, the client, the director and the technicians – gathered their forces to make the baby talk!” said Raluca Popa, Copywriter, Lowe&Partners.

Besides the TV spot, the campaign was expanded to the press, radio, online, but also in the Bancpost subsidiaries.

Bancpost: Ştefania Cristescu, Violeta Mogoşanu, Andrei Bîrsan
Lowe&Partners: Raluca Popa – Copywriter; Dan Costea – Senior Art Director; Ilinca Nanoveanu – AV producer; Ana Smultea – Senior Account Manager; Cristina Popovici – Account Manager